yesterday when i woke up fr swim practice at 4:45 am i was greeted by two giant house centepedes on the wall right next to my face. i flipped. im 15 and hav a HUGE fobia of these things so i wana know what i should do at night (cause thats when they usually come out to hunt) also do u think if i put a night light out would it attract the centepeds or make them hide because in an artical it said that they love dark damp spaces, but i always c bugs flyring around lights and stuff so im confused. i just really really wana get them out of my room and to b able to sleep without worrying about one crawling all over my whle im asleep! :'( does anyone hav ANY advice for this?? any facts anything just so i hav more info on these things cause i just feel very uncomfortable sleeping, k owing that thats the time when all the bugs come out in my house. thankkkk :)))