True or False? Some hummingbirds, despite their size, migrate hundreds of miles each year.?
2006-02-20 08:39:55 UTC
True or False? Some hummingbirds, despite their size, migrate hundreds of miles each year.?
Ten answers:
2006-02-20 08:40:55 UTC
this is true, recently a hummingbird native to texas was found in columbus, ohio.
2016-05-20 05:47:32 UTC
Bellatrix would of made a great mother if she had any kids False(Even more False if You-Know-Who was the father) You felt nervous for Harry and anyone else whenever Voldemort Showed up True(Always happens to me when I'm reading a book) Goblet of fire scared you a bit True(I wasn't sure that Harry would be able to pass all the tasks and I was scared, and also with all the Death-Eater and Death-Mark situation going on) When you read the part about snape killing dumbledore you became speechless and shocked Shocked=True, Speechless=False(I was firing curses at both Snape and Draco!) Ginny Weasley is a Brat False(Although she is quite nasty sometimes) Harry is a bit too full of himself True Fudge was a better minister than Scrimgeour Partially True(He was a better politician but made some huge mistakes, and we didn't get to know Scrimgeour any better) You pity wormtail False(not even the least!)
2006-02-20 22:29:17 UTC
This is 100% true. Hummingbirds fly non-stop over the Gulf of Mexico every year to come too and from South America.
2006-02-20 08:52:00 UTC
Although I don't know for sure,but I think it's true,because of the different species of hummingbirds. I live in Indiana,and when my large flowers are in full bloom,I've seen different colors and sizes of hummingbirds ever year! (note) Hummingbirds are beautiful,but they will attack you,if you get too close.
2006-02-20 08:42:20 UTC
True. Many American hummers migrate to South America for the winter. No one seems sure how they have enough energy for the open-water crossings needed.
2006-02-20 08:41:50 UTC
true, hummingbirds migrate accross the gulf of mexico
2006-02-20 08:43:04 UTC
Trye, some migrate thousands of miles between north, central, and south america
2006-02-20 10:54:43 UTC
2006-02-20 08:49:20 UTC
2006-02-20 12:05:20 UTC

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