INSECTS do not breath under water ...
1 Beetles, 400,000 known species
2 Butterflies and moths, 165,000
3 Ants, bees and wasps, 140,000
4 True flies, 120,000
5 Cicadas, leafhoppers and related bugs, 90,000
BUT what domination does that prove?
LOOK at HOW they live...what they do?
EAT & REPRODUCE that is about it...sure they form colonies.
BUT so do people.
The longest gestation period for a mammal is that of the African elephant (Loxodonta africana) with an average of 660 days, and a maximum of 760 days...
SO where does time of gestation prove dominance?
I don't think so...MAN has found more cures and ways to kill most bacteria and HOW MANY WAYS have ALL BACTERIA found to kill man???
...they just do...if they get out of control...
Historically, bacteria have been the cause of some of the most deadly diseases and widespread epidemics of human civilization. Although smallpox and malaria, diseases caused by other microbes, may have killed more humans than bacterial diseases, bacterial diseases such as tuberculosis, typhus, plague, diphtheria, typhoid fever, cholera, dysentery, and pneumonia have taken a mighty toll on humanity. Water purification, immunization (vaccination) and modern antibiotic treatment continue to reduce the morbidity and the mortality of bacterial disease in the Twenty-first Century, at least in the developed world where these are acceptable cultural practices. However, many new bacterial pathogens have been recognized in the past 25 years (see Table 1) and many "old" bacterial pathogens, such as Staphylococcus aureus and Mycobacterium tuberculosis, have emerged with new forms of virulence and new patterns of resistance to antimicrobial agents.
blah blah blah
BUT MAN in his abilities to STUDY/research have found cures and treatments!
You don't see Bacteria inventing things on their own, they just reproduce and multiply and that is not a precursor to WORLD DOMINATION!
Let me tell YOU something, I have seen, though in your question and many questions here, some slight proof that some monkeys are more intelligent than many of the humans that think up stupid questions such as yours and many more!
IF anyone did a study of EARTH PEOPLE based on what they found in these undereducated questions, then I think They could easily think that Earth people are STUPID.
It takes a REAL thinker to come up with GREAT QUESTIONS.
Any DOPE can think of a stupid question...and I have seen a lot of them here!
I have been asked excellent questions by pre- schoolers with better minds than many have here!
WE are dominant because we have evolved this far, we do have THINGS that help us breath underwater...we are socially divided and united by more than TWO things,individualism and tribalism...HOW about RELIGION?
Do animals or insects have those?
How about technology ?
WHAT DID you use to type out your idiotic question!???
It takes more than breeding, breathing underwater or group division to make a RACE of dominant beings!
DO NOT WISH people to breed and fill up the land to prove dominance! Good lord where do people like YOU come from? Have you come to visit us from MARS? OR PLUTO MAYBE? or the space station: U-R-2-s.t.u.p.i.d. 4 M-E !