Why do people describe human beings as this planet's dominant species?
2006-07-20 06:35:20 UTC
They only live on a small percentage of the world's land mass, can't breathe underwater, are divided by individualism and tribalism, take nine months to reproduce, and their infants are highly dependant on parental care. Surely it's bacteria and insects that are really top dog?
268 answers:
2006-07-20 20:42:00 UTC
Excellent insight. However, we're the only self-aware species as far as we can tell, and our capacity to modify our environment is unparalleled (allowing many humans to survive illnesses and birth defects that would otherwise be lethal). And finally, our ideas about causation and meaning (however primitive they might be) have made us the only species to ponder such questions as, "how did they universe start?"

So, I for one do think we're in control of ourselves and our planet to a degree that no other species can match for now.
2006-07-20 20:53:01 UTC
Wow, I've never heard that one. Insects and bacteria ?

Well, to answer your question, Many reasons why humans are dominant.

1) We are the most adaptable species on earth by FAR! Give us temperatures 50 degrees colder and we'll just create heavier coats. Give us 50 degrees warmer and we'll use air conditioning to compensate. Just a couple examples.

2) We are the most intelligent and technologically advanced species on earth, again by HUGE margins. This ties in with #1 because it is our technology and intelligence that enables us to adapt so well.

3) Sure, we can't live in water, but our technology allows us to spend a lot of time in water. Can land-dwelling insects do that ? Can water-based insects live on land ?

4) We take 9 months to reproduce, yes. Your point ? I don't see how this is a disadvantage. The larger the species, generally speaking, the longer it takes to grow the fetus.

5) Infants are highly dependent on parents, yep. But again, it doesn't really matter because we are so advanced that our infant mortality rate is very low compared to the vast majority of other species. Seriously, compare infant mortality rates of insects to humans. Humans blow everything else way here.

6) Humans are divided. Ok, that's more of a cultural thing. But the way I see it, insects CAN'T be divided on individualism and tribalism and the like because they are TOO DAMN STUPID!!! LOL. Again, I think this underscores how humans are on top. Insects and other lower animals rely on primarily (if not entirely) on instinct.

7) We only live on a small percentage of the world's land mass ?? Show me any single species in existence in the entire world that lives in more diverse areas than humans ??? The answer "insects" doesn't count because that encompasses millions of species. Humans win this category also.
2006-07-21 14:05:23 UTC
It's all relative. The ants couldhave had a few hundred world war between them, but we might not notice it.

Finally, one thing about the humans that other species don't have is that they have change through time. The ants continue to inhabit the same environments as their ancestors million years ago. The same can be said of all other species. The tigers are not able to dive into the seas, nor the donkeys able to go to the moon. We write hisotry, I'm not aware of any other species that does so. Humans have been able to use and control other living beings and objects and come up with inventions that would change aspects how man can live on earth. Humans have gone everywhere, to the moon and beneaththe oceans, through their own planning and inventions. I never saw a snake do such a thing.

Numbers don't matter as much as achievements and change. Hence the human domination.
2006-07-21 06:22:46 UTC
Humans think they are the planet's dominant species purely because they have bigger egos than anything else on the planet! They actually have the audacity to think they "own" the planet and the fact that they can modify the landscape and environment (for better or worse) makes them superior to other creatures which live in harmony with the environment. This is not logical. Humanity has an ego problem highlighted by the fact that they are in denial of the fact that they are a mere component of this planet. Tomorrow a super-virus or asteroid collision or whatever could wipe out the human race and the fact is that the planet will do just fine without us. Life goes on.
2006-07-21 19:56:52 UTC
Humans are considered the dominant species because they choose to live in the best parts of the planet, they eat or cage or kill or control other species with little interference and they have been stuffing up the planet since the industrial revolution and there is nothing on the planet which can stop them. That's why they are the dominant species.
2006-07-21 19:13:18 UTC
I think that people decribe human beings as this planet's dominant species because people tend to behave dominantly and controlling over other inhabitants. I think it is a description of behavior rather than geographic distribution or physical adaptations. People describing their own species with minds & ego's. People have taken what they want, when they want it and only in recent years become conscientious about the effects.

You may be right about bacteria and hm... insects. They have been around much longer than humans. And are adept to adapt.
2006-07-20 20:23:10 UTC
Many answers you will receive will state that it is our brain size, that we have evolved as a species and that we are the dominant of all species. Any one of these answers would certainly be correct. If we pick apart your question it is true that we live on a small area of the earth, that we can't breath underwater, etc; yet amazingly we prevail. Our dominating the earth, in geologic time, has not been very long. Several factors account for this besides brain size, we are bipedal, and we have hands that can manipulate many things and with great ease. Its this last part that really makes us - the hands. Think about what it took early man to carve out a bow and to hold back the arrow to shoot it. We can manipulate just about anything with our hands. They are tools that man learned how to use extensively and with great efficiency and therein lies the secret to our sucess in the animal kingdom.
2006-07-21 17:15:45 UTC
Because we are. Dominance isn't always about size but potential. Out of all the species on the planet, human are by far the most intelligent. Our intelligence gives us power and an edge over other species. Europeans were able to enslave African because they had guns. Technological sophistication and higher intelligence gives you much more might than bigger beings.

Unfortunately, we have abused our power. We're destroying the planet, killing others of our own species and killing of other species not for survival but for our own selfish amusement.
Dirk Wellington-Catt
2006-07-21 13:41:00 UTC
because people are ignorant and foolish, you're right, prokarotes like bacteria and archea have been around for alot long than us, this planet is primarily run by bacteria, we are just a spec of nothing compared to them, it is bacteria who shape the environment we live in, we come in second place even with all our polution we fear destroys the world, that is our arrogance.

from mapping the human genome it has been found that humans are 11% retrovirus, so there you have it, we lose as a species, we are here now, gone tomorrow, try getting rid of bacteria so easily with your big dom!!

Prince_of_Zotos - I just read a few things here..haha 6,7,8 are all interelated in bacteria which do it much better than us - biofilms!!!, 8 is irrelevant, 2 - it has been proven that live cells can and have traveled in space as far as mars and perhaps even other planets, we have allegedly got to the moon. 10 domination over other species - we can't live without bacteria, they can without us, how is that domination. was 4 terraforming? read about the nitrogen cycle and all the other processes which I don't recall now as I found it quite dull. If you really want to know more then go to university or googlesearch and read a few different sources in the area that interests you.
2006-07-21 10:51:45 UTC
We could be the planets most compassionate species, if we tried.

That is a very good point you make. Why is it that human nature leads to classification of supremacy? From our own social circles to government to the planet and back again.

We as human’s in America could stand to learn a lesson from the rest of the world. In the Kyoto talks did the tribes of the Amazon need to cut down on anything? What about the Aboriginis of Austrailia, or the farmers in the fields? They did not need to be represented in Kyoto because they are not damaging the planet.

I think that we can learn a lot about ourselves and our role on this planet from the rest of the beings on the planet. Somehow we are all alive. Don’t tell me a dog don’t have a soul, or a plant does not feel. That’s like saying humans can breath without oxygen.
2006-07-20 07:06:47 UTC
You are correct read "the Green Brain" by frank Herbert. When has a virus planned to paint the Mona Lisa. When was the last time the fly built a build. Its not just tool use the apes and some birds do that. We are the only ones that can planned to change the entire world in which we live. Panama canal would help on your migration route if there was a being that needed to go east and west but except for us they are out of luck. It is not the greatest of gifts/curses cause we have a few problems, and if we are not careful we may ruin this our only space lifeboat.
American citizen and taxpayer
2006-07-21 08:31:51 UTC
Good point! Rats are very adaptable. Cockroaches even more so.

Humans are the only species with such highly developed intelligence (although dolphins, whales, elephants, parrots and of course the primates are closer than we used to think.) We are SELF-AWARE: most animals, when looking at themselves in the mirror, think it's another animal; we (and a few of the others above) know it's a reflection of ourselves, that there is such a thing as "ourselves." I tried reading Sartre's "Being and Nothingness" and couldn't get past the introduction. But I remember the concept that it's not "I think, therefore I am" but that "I am AWARE that I think, therefore I am," and the me that is aware is a different me than the one doing the thinking." Again, I didn't say I understood it!

Also, due to their intelligence (and opposable thumbs), humans have amazingly developed language and the means to preserve it, and have developed technology far, far more advanced than any other species. A beehive is pretty complex, but it seems to be all instinct. In fact, humans appear to rely on their own intelligence and inventiveness, and less on instinct, than other animals. We can (for better or worse) CONTROL and ALTER the environment. Only humans went to the moon. And I would think that our "culture" - art, literature, etc. - is much, much more complex and satisfying than even the most beautiful bird song - and again it's ORIGINAL, not instinct. But whether it brings pleasure to other animals, I don't know.

That's what I came up with.
2006-07-21 06:21:50 UTC
We are really just an integral part of one giant living organism, the planet Earth. Distinctions that seperate humans from all other organisms are purely imaginary and arbitrary, and different people will have different distinctions or definitions depending on their world view. People with a more wholistic view would not consider themselves to be a dominant species, whereas someone with an egocentric view might divide up the world in such a way that they place themselves (human species) in a dominant position. These are all just opinions and really don't affect what is, merely how it is percieved.
2006-07-21 14:41:50 UTC
Let me see... I feel that people claim dominance because they can. Not really because it means anything to anyone else, but because it makes them feel better. If we were so dominant, we wouldn't have fears of other species... or of the unknown. Am I right? I feel as though a MAN probably was the one to claim such nonsense because he has a penis.... lol. It's my theory of all men, and no I'm not a femanist or a lesbian. I just know the facts. I would have to agree that bacteria would be one of the most dominant species on Earth, or even in the universe. But there's millions of species we haven't discovered, so who can really say who's the leader? The top dog? If we do not even know all of them? To me as a religious person, God's the ultimate species. And He doesn't just rule this planet, He rules all of em. Is that too deep?
2006-07-20 21:06:45 UTC
I believe the main reason we're number 1 is... a number of reasons, actually.

1) For what we know, humans are the only species that have some common sense

2) Opposable thumbs, baby!

3) We're not all about survival of the fittest. We're about ourselves, others, the community, etc.

4) We have an excellent understanding of everything that goes around, not just our town or nation we live in. We continuously read and/or hear stories from Asia, Russia, India, Hong Kong, Italy (2006 FIFA World Cup Champs), France, Mexico, Canada, etc. Confusing, maybe. Short sweet and to the point? You damn right.
The Animal Psychiatrist♬♪
2006-07-20 16:59:41 UTC
Well, people say that because, humans built citys and made major commutintiys across the world. They industulized the world. But you do make a very good arugement. I say it's because the average human doesn't think about insects or bactiria and their goals in life are not to breathe underwater or reprouce quickly. And we are muticelled; a higher lifeform with a written languge. Most humans consier themsevles the smartest creature on earth as well. Religous people also say that because it says it in their Bible. People are also more able bodied then the creatures you speak of besides the insects. I parsally think it's because humans can think ahead and have goals. It really depends on who you ask.
2006-07-20 07:33:03 UTC
Bacteria and insects do take the top place based on their diversity. Humans are considered to be the dominant species because of our capacity to think a certain way and create tools. Of course, at the rate we are going there is no telling what Mother Nature will bring on. Humans could be completely wiped out by a natural disaster (like a tsunami or disease - the black plague, etc.).
Dregaron S
2006-07-21 10:14:53 UTC
What does it mean to be dominant? If dominant means to have the greatest numbers spread around the largest area, then yes, bacteria are the undisputed winners. If dominance means something else, such as the abilty to control the environment and the fate of all the other species, then no, bacteria and insects don't hold a candle to humans.

Humans are dominant because we are able -- through our rational faculty -- to adapt the environment to ourselves, instead of adapting ourselves to the environment. Insects and bacteria are incapable of these feats. This is why locusts don't build cities, bacteria don't fly to the moon, and why lobsters didn't pen the Constitution.
2006-07-20 18:32:10 UTC
Because humans are the only ones with an Ego.

A big ego and a false ego.

They believe they are the all encompassing all in one, one and only.

Humans analyze everything, including bacteria and insects. I don't know of insects or bacteria who analyse humans. They may take a bite without giving much thought to who they biting hehehee.

Dont forget there is good people doing good work, like those who discover cures from the analysis of other species.

Lady bugs are so cute!

So keep on theorizing and analysing!

Good luck.
2006-07-20 06:41:25 UTC
Sure, but we can kill bacteria and insects and we dictate the places they can and can't go.

We're divided? Have you seen any animal species that can be united as one? Last I checked, bacteria and insects don't keep their companions on the other side of the globe updated on what's going on in their lives.

Our infants are dependent on parental care because our brain mass relative to the size of our bodies is larger than any other creature known to exist and if the babies were in womb any longer, the size of the head would make coming out the birth canal impossible.
2006-07-21 09:04:21 UTC
We are described as dominant because we can, at will, not only be the dominant species but the ONLY species on the Earth. Of course, that is not a really good idea...

But if a virus comes along that can survive in any environment and kills everyone infected, then humans will be no more than a temporary home.
Crystal L ™
2006-07-21 08:04:42 UTC
"It is an important and popular fact that things are not always what they seem. For instance, on the planet Earth, man had always assumed that he was more intelligent than dolphins because he had achieved so much -- the wheel, New York, wars and so on -- while all the dolphins had ever done was muck about in the water having a good time. But conversely, the dolphins had always believed that they were far more intelligent than man -- for precisely the same reasons."

Try reading this book; it's a fun read, and maybe it'll make you think a bit (in some places) as well.
2006-07-21 19:09:06 UTC
It's because the planet is infinitely in our hands. If we decided to destroy the planet today we could ( a scary thought), and we're the only species capable of doing that. It's true that bacteria and insects outnumber us, but they aren't dominant. Basically, we control the planet and the fates of all other animals.
2014-10-03 14:23:04 UTC
ery low compared to the vast majority of other species. Seriously, compare infant mortality rates of insects to humans. Humans blow everything else way here.

6) Humans are divided. Ok, that's more of a cultural thing. But the way I see it, insects CAN'T be divided on individualism and tribalism and the like because they are TOO DAMN STUPID!!! LOL. Again, I think this underscores how humans are on top. Insects and other lower animals rely on primarily (if not entirely) on instinct.

7) We only live on a small percentage of the world's land mass ?? Show me any single species in existence in the entire world that lives in more diverse areas than humans ??? The ans
2006-07-20 06:45:43 UTC
Humans have natural predators, Bullies. haha

If something had to threaten the entire human species we would stand together and try our best to save our self. And no bacteria will be able to do about it nothing. Plus we have lots of computers,history and technology to back us up. WE know the entire planet except the unknown ocean. but we can't live underwater so we can be most dominant on Land.
2006-07-21 20:05:11 UTC
Because God made us the dominant species. We are made in His Image. No other species on this earth is like us. Think about it. I don't see a bacteria or insect sitting at a computer asking or answering questions.
2006-07-20 22:42:09 UTC
I think people have no clue that underwater the species alive have survived longer than mankind. Take whales, they migrate all over the world, are very intelligent as are dolphins, have been around for millenia, and there is much more that we do not know under the sea!

I think humans are the dominant species on land because there is no dinasours enaymore. But its obvious that humanity is on its way to destroying itself entirely.

I think the dominant species are actually insects and those that cause lime disease I forget the name now but they survive the coldest winters, pesticides, all you name it they come back alive and ready to plunge into human's skin and cause havoc.

Insects are quick to reproduce, quick to die, but more come and their system keeps adapting to anything humans do to get rid of them and so they mutate to stronger versions.

Humans? look at the world as I am sure you have, everybody against everybody, they kill nature and dont care (many humans though not all), they destroy the forests, they kill ancient animals like whales and dolphins to start with.

The dominant species is about to anhiliate themselves shortly. If wwIII is about to start.

So they may dominate but in the war field and disasters to culminate into mass killings and destructions of much.
2006-07-21 17:05:11 UTC
Hi, if you assume the entire life of the planet Earth as 24hrs, man has spent only 2 seconds in the whole. But, in this 2 second he has left nothing untouched or unchanged. This qualifies him to be named as the Planet's Dominant Specie.

2006-07-20 23:45:55 UTC
The answer is: Scientific nomenclature knows humans as Homo sapiens ("wise man") which nicely reflects the high self-esteem, characteristic of the species.

In other words "Our own arrogance places us there".

But, in reality, we are far out numbered by the microbes worms and bugs. And, there is no doubt what-so-ever, that when we are long gone, CockRoaches will still be here. Why do I say that?

Because, much over 300 Rads and people die, while the

CockRoach can take 25,000 Rads and not even blink an eye.

All hail.... La cucaracha!!!!!!!! 8-)
baby bunny
2006-07-20 19:22:02 UTC
well it isn't because we can kill the other species it is because we basically run the earth it is that type of thing and well we can make life and it is also because we have built our houses were animals once lived so they go away there is more of them than there are us but they don't see that yet when they do see that we will not be that dominant species anymore we will all be equal cause we will not be able to build anymore houses cause the animals will not let us and we will be forced to live in the houses we have got now or just in the jungle which most likely will not be a jungle anymore we will cut the grass and try to make it as civilized as possible
2006-07-21 17:27:27 UTC
Because it's a human conceit that we are. It is also the basis of racism, religion, wars, and genocide. It's the thought that "we," and not "them," are superior to all other things and people, which gives us a misplaced sense of entitlement.

Single celled organisms (like bacteria, archaebacteria, viruses, amoebas, etc.) are the most plentiful of all living entities on the planet - and quite probably the universe.

And for those people who think that we have dominion, how many viruses and bacteria kill people each year? Many antibiotics are really bacteria that kill other bacteria. Not to mention that over 90% of all the cells in the human body are actually bacteria - mostly in our digestive systems. Without them, we would all die.

And is it really all that intelligent to destroy our own habitats like we humans are doing? Frankly, I think the whales and dolphins had it right when they went back into the oceans.
2006-07-21 04:40:32 UTC
we are the most intelligent life on earth and have the ability to kill everything including ourselves without reasoning. bacteria reproduce rapidly but their life span is a few minutes. insects also reproduce but their lives are short.any animal that has a fast heart rate has a short life.take the elephant for example. it has a hear trate of 30-40 bpm and live over 100 years. the common mouse has a heart rate of 110-120 and lives 2 to 3 months but can produce 30-40 babies in its short life
2006-07-20 20:06:43 UTC
I would think that too, but aparently the people who say that looked at the facts that we are intellegent (but I read that it is a possibility that dolphins may be smarter), can destroy the animals, the plants, bugs (with an extremely hard effort, but even that is unlikely), and possibly a few diseases (but that'll come in the future).

But consider the fact that were are outlived by whales and outran by cheetahs (on our own legs). So we aren't the absolute top of everything because were don't live forever here and what I said above.
2006-07-20 16:09:01 UTC
Bacteria don't invent computers.

What tiger help create the Internet?

We are the dominant species, as we have dominion over the planet.

True a Blue Flu virus can lay us all low, but since we are making up the rules as to what counts as dominant, the criteria gets a touch skewed
2006-07-21 11:35:29 UTC
"He has also set eternity in the hearts of men," says Ecclesiastes 3:11

Mankind is designed with te desire to live forever.

No one in reasonable health & circumstances has any desire to cease existance! An earth filled with paradisaic circumstances is what we are both designed to fill, and this purpose of God is 'in the making', & will come to fruition!

Mankind has a largr brain, & depth of understanding that far surpasses any other creature's. We also are designed with a spiritual need, seen throughout history. Even medical science has proven that spirituality is an important component of good health for humans. No other creature has been given the ability to either understand or appreciate spiritual ideas & concepts. However, this is not to say that we have no similarities with any other of God's creatures. For a more detailed & thought-provoking read, you are invited to:

HUMANS--Just Higher Animals? :

~~ Humans-Who Are We?

~~ In the Image of God or Beast?

~~ Looking Up, Not Down, for Answers

(links to turn the pages are at the left-top of its text)

"Make Sure of All things; Hold Fast to what is Fine!" (1Th5:21)
Samuella BurrowShire
2006-07-21 10:19:26 UTC
INSECTS do not breath under water ...

1 Beetles, 400,000 known species

2 Butterflies and moths, 165,000

3 Ants, bees and wasps, 140,000

4 True flies, 120,000

5 Cicadas, leafhoppers and related bugs, 90,000

BUT what domination does that prove?

LOOK at HOW they live...what they do?

EAT & REPRODUCE that is about it...sure they form colonies.

BUT so do people.

The longest gestation period for a mammal is that of the African elephant (Loxodonta africana) with an average of 660 days, and a maximum of 760 days...

SO where does time of gestation prove dominance?


I don't think so...MAN has found more cures and ways to kill most bacteria and HOW MANY WAYS have ALL BACTERIA found to kill man???

...they just do...if they get out of control...

Historically, bacteria have been the cause of some of the most deadly diseases and widespread epidemics of human civilization. Although smallpox and malaria, diseases caused by other microbes, may have killed more humans than bacterial diseases, bacterial diseases such as tuberculosis, typhus, plague, diphtheria, typhoid fever, cholera, dysentery, and pneumonia have taken a mighty toll on humanity. Water purification, immunization (vaccination) and modern antibiotic treatment continue to reduce the morbidity and the mortality of bacterial disease in the Twenty-first Century, at least in the developed world where these are acceptable cultural practices. However, many new bacterial pathogens have been recognized in the past 25 years (see Table 1) and many "old" bacterial pathogens, such as Staphylococcus aureus and Mycobacterium tuberculosis, have emerged with new forms of virulence and new patterns of resistance to antimicrobial agents.

blah blah blah


BUT MAN in his abilities to STUDY/research have found cures and treatments!

You don't see Bacteria inventing things on their own, they just reproduce and multiply and that is not a precursor to WORLD DOMINATION!

Let me tell YOU something, I have seen, though in your question and many questions here, some slight proof that some monkeys are more intelligent than many of the humans that think up stupid questions such as yours and many more!

IF anyone did a study of EARTH PEOPLE based on what they found in these undereducated questions, then I think They could easily think that Earth people are STUPID.

It takes a REAL thinker to come up with GREAT QUESTIONS.

Any DOPE can think of a stupid question...and I have seen a lot of them here!

I have been asked excellent questions by pre- schoolers with better minds than many have here!


WE are dominant because we have evolved this far, we do have THINGS that help us breath underwater...we are socially divided and united by more than TWO things,individualism and tribalism...HOW about RELIGION?


Do animals or insects have those?

How about technology ?

WHAT DID you use to type out your idiotic question!???

It takes more than breeding, breathing underwater or group division to make a RACE of dominant beings!

DO NOT WISH people to breed and fill up the land to prove dominance! Good lord where do people like YOU come from? Have you come to visit us from MARS? OR PLUTO MAYBE? or the space station: U-R-2-s.t.u.p.i.d. 4 M-E !
2006-07-21 07:46:50 UTC
because we are the only species on this planet that has mastered speech, so therefore we can claim to all the others we are the dominant ones, and if they don't eat us and we don't poison ourselves first I guess we will win the argument till the bugs and bacteria take over. Frankly if intelligence were the key the dolphins are just as smart as us are if it is who is on top of the food chain we lose there too, so it has to be because we have mastered speech and writing ability.
2006-07-21 00:32:09 UTC
We humans are the only species on the planet with the ability to alter our environment to suit our needs. Sometimes this is a good thing... we have built cities and highways to facilitate our commercial endeavors, but sometimes it is a bad thing, we wage wars against our fellow man and pollute our seas and oceans to the point where they can no longer sustain life of any kind. Our future is very much in our own hands, but sadly, I have no confidence in our ability to make rational decisions which affect our continued survival on this planet, and it seems as though colonizing other worlds to help us survive indefinitely is a feat well beyond our reach.
2006-07-20 21:46:09 UTC
Because human beings do more to change the environment of the planet than all other species put together- whether for good or for ill humankind is the single greastest force for change among living entities- the planet itself does a great deal more changing than the lifeforms, but that is another question (and answer).
2006-07-20 18:34:17 UTC
Cause we kill and eat all the rest...they don't kill us and eat us (with the exception of the grizzly bear, lion and a few other "rogue" animals)...we should just be glad that the dinosaurs died in the ice age...

Do you think sea fearing creatures have email or type on yahoo answers? Not that that itself makes us dominant...its the simple fact that we invent things and depend on these inventions every day...we have a set up system that keeps us making money...

However, I did watch a show on discovery about UFO's living underwater in remote underwater lairs that we cannot went on about the strange spots in the waters (like bermuda triangle) and eye witness maybe your onto something after-all...
Big Z
2006-07-20 18:12:05 UTC
The human species could kill off any other species at will if it had the mind to. Plus they are the smartest species. Insects and Bacteria haven't made it to the moon, found out to blow up the earth, stuff like that.
2006-07-20 06:57:57 UTC
tt depends on your definition of dominant


Exercising the most influence or control.

Most prominent, as in position; ascendant....

Of, relating to, or being a species that is most characteristic of an ecological community and usually determines the presence, abundance, and type of other species.

We may not be the strongest but since we act that way, those actions have results for all earth's creatures and it's environment. We have the power to destroy other intelligent species like whales, dolphins, apes and monkeys, as well as destroy the habitat and food supplies of other animals, we are dominant in that sense.

It's true that cockroaches and insects have been here a long time but that's more due to their adaptability that their ability to affect other creature.
2006-07-21 11:37:54 UTC
Human Beings are the dominant species on this planet, because we had shaped things around us to fit our needs. We have been responsible for global warming, for some other species of animals to not exist anymore and even how the planet's own landscape looks by burning off groundcover and by digging up fossil fuels and even by destroying beautiful scenery to build new cities for us human beings to live in.
2006-07-20 22:57:07 UTC
We are the most dominant species because we can kill all other species on planet earth if we want to. Just our mere presence on this planet has already caused great endangerment to the other species. Bacteria and insects are not the top dog because they can no longer endanger us......thanks to our ingenuity in medicine etc.
2006-07-20 21:55:22 UTC
1. Humans adapt to more situations than any animal.

2. Humans have survived more than some species of animals.

3. Humans build their homes on animal's homes.

4. Humans can kill animals twice as big as them.

5. Humans are more intelligent.

6. Humans can live anywhere and can fly and swim with technology.

7. God said it was man's job to rule over the animals.

8. Humans can help hurt animals, but animals don't usually help humans.

9. Humans live longer than any animal except Parrots and Turtles.
2006-07-20 18:52:57 UTC
It's all about the tools and the thumbs. That and our life span is longer than either bacteria or insects. (Eventually bacteria kills it's host , then it dies) What they have in numbers we make up for in longevity. We run the marathon, they run the fast sprint.

That and we are clever little monkeys - we adapt, and we're also pretty violent, so we kill things we see as a threat, (with a rock or a vaccine, same difference) thus ensuring the long life of our progeny.
2006-07-20 22:58:55 UTC
I truly feel that human beings are considered planet's dominant species because we are the only species with rare specialties. While it is true that we have many drawbacks, we are the type who can become animalistic, angelic, devilish, and rule over anyone. It is not so much about what abilities we have compared to the fact how we use those abilities.
2006-07-20 19:34:57 UTC
Because some people are very ignorant, humans are very weak and the only thing keeping us alive is smart and classy people. Dumb people and people that don't care and do drugs and smoke and choose to be in poverty only bring down the human race, even people that get divorced multiple times embarrass the human race. Those people need to be secluded from everyone else as to not bring other people down to their level. Physically any human could be killed by many animals and maybe one day another race might arise that will be smarter than humans and keep us as pets.
2006-07-20 21:57:32 UTC
What prediators do you have?

Dominant species is not necessarily the largest quanity, but the one that PREVAILS.

Sharks prevail in the water.

Lions prevail in the Jungle (unless you have a Trifle)

The only viruses that prevail over you come from unclean hyodermic needs, unsafe sex

Now, if Sparrows or Pidgeons had the A bomb, that might be a different story!
Tad Dubious
2006-07-20 18:16:01 UTC
I think you answer your own question: human beings describe OURSELVES as the dominant species. Perhaps in bacteria-speak - and we humans just aren't smart enough to know that communication exists - bacteria claims to be dominant. Same with cockroaches; I have no doubt they are pretty confident, if they have such a trait. Crows are quite adaptive; I think they could outlast cockroaches if the bird flu doesn't get them.
2006-07-21 15:45:15 UTC
Human species are dominant because we've found ways to overcome our obsticles and dominate other species and you should know that as Bacteria and insects can't get online and ask the question you're asking, :) good day!
Call Me Babs
2006-07-20 17:03:48 UTC
Human beings supposedly have the ability to reason. We should know the difference between right and wrong, and therefore, the onus is upon us all to protect and keep this world and all its inhabitants that live off the earth and sea in near pristine condition.

It seems that the animals do a better job of cleaning house.
2006-07-21 16:29:50 UTC
Probably because we're the only ones who can do things like talk and do brainiac things (compared to all other species), if that makes sense. We're of much higher intelligence I mean.
2006-07-20 22:38:35 UTC
Yes, there are so many species stronger than human beings in one aspect or other.Yet man/woman is able to control almost all the living beings with the strongest weapon which no other living organism has i.e.,INTELLIGENCE and decision making power through thinking and discussing with other persons. All other living beings ,generally, depend more on reflex action than on a thoughtful decision.
2006-07-20 17:29:33 UTC
Look around YOU! we've done all of this with our BRAINS! That comp and keyboard that allowed you to type that question was created by human beings. Ever since human's knew relgion and civilisation, we've been taught that we're dominant species beacuase we ARE! It may sound arrogant but thats the way it is. BUt that doesn't mean we get to abuse that "domiancy" or whatever u wanna call it. Most Religion teach the same thing. My relgion says that God created us, because he wanted someone who would pray to him, instead of Angles who did everything for him not because they wanted to but because they were BORN to it. We were born to Make choices and we've made many intelligent ones

i 've gone one forever so i'll shut up now
2006-07-20 10:47:19 UTC
depends of what do you mean in ''DOMINANT''

it is a philosophical question

we are dominant -because we can control our liefs and minds

-because we can control machinery,

-because we are the highest evolutionary mental species

but we are not dominant- in the distribution on the surface of the earth

-we are much more vulnerable that bacterias because we are complicated organism

-we have to take care of our children and have pregnancy 9 month ,but how long that 1 specific bacteria that divided so quickly lives??
2006-07-23 06:19:21 UTC
Because no other single species has exhibited a more visual impact on the planet. The key term is visual, however, as no one thinks about microscopic organisms, which are responsible for pretty much everything, even accounting for 10% of our body weights.
2006-07-21 16:11:50 UTC
God gave man dominion over the earth. "And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth." Genesis 1:26.

That's only one part of the equation. God does not give rule without responsibility. People ignore the additional instruction that "Then the Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to tend and keep it" Genesis 2:15. Humans were given dominion over the earth so that they might protect and guard it not turn it into a chemical wasteland.

Jesus pointed out that you rule by serving others. He illustrated that in washing the feet of the apostles. We were given our intelligence to be used as a tool not as an instrument of destruction.

In my opinion, I think the garden of Eden was a literal paradise. No out of control weather, animals lived in harmony etc. I don't think it can be said that we are the dominant force on earth anymore. Look at all the things we don't control. We abandoned our role so we lost our rule.
2006-07-21 13:36:31 UTC
List of reasons, in top ten form.

10. Dominion over most other species. We have "domesticated" a great number of animals to suit our needs. No other species has done this to the same degree as we have.

9. Communication. Not just with each other, but continuously with more and more other far as we know, we are the only species that tries to do that.

8. Science. Alot of others tie into this, but our curiosity and desire to map out and understand (and ultimately control) our environment, again makes us unique.

7. Social programs. The way we treat each other, and again, other species. We have ultimately accept responsability (as a majority, not everyone) to take care of this place and the life on it.

6. Breeding programs (Human influenced evolution). We have intentionally caused other species to mate with each other, or have genetically bred species to create entirely new species for our own purposes. nuff said.

5. Higher reasoning / religion. This ties in with science, but on another level...we are the only species (as far as we know) that has religion (and the related morals, philosophies, etc.) This may not be true (see communication) but if another species worshiped, I would think it would be something observable.

4. Terraforming. We are the only species (except maybe beavers) that change the environment on a grand scale to suit our personal needs. Moving mountains for our roads, deforesting large swatches of land, creating or draining large lakes, changing the course of rivers. No other creature operates on the scale that we do.

3. Bio-engineering. Beyond the cross-breeding previously mentioned, we have altered dna and chemical structures, cloned cells, and have all but breathed on clay to create new life forms and variations on life forms.

2. Space flight. As far as we know, we are the only resident capable of leaving this place if we want to (maybe only a small sampling of the population, but we have the ability) That has to count for something.

1. Armagedon. We are the only ones with the power to destroy all life on this planet, and to destroy the planet itself. We have given ourselves the means to turn this rock, and everything on it, into radioactive dust particles. Sure, cockroaches may survive the radiation, but where would they live?
Yoshida Yossarian
2006-07-21 10:55:00 UTC
I think most any species would think of themsleves as dominant, otherwise the species or individual wouldn't have enough neccesary means or will to live. You only hear other humans insinuate, if not say directly outright, that "we" are the dominant species. Tigers and Bears might say it in their own language.
2006-07-20 19:22:16 UTC
When a bug or a bacteria can pose a question on this forum then they will be the dominant species. I don't think they have evolved into anything better or wiser in all the years the scientists say they have been around, but we sure have. haven't we?
2006-07-20 18:47:33 UTC
I believe it's because we have congnitive abilities. We can communicate quite well and we can eat and prepare our food. We know the difference from right and wrong and we follow the golden rule., we can love and be loved. We are easy learners and good communicators, I am happy to be here! Happy to be alive and Well. Surely you know that we are born with the survivor instiibcts so we will and can survive one day at a time on this beautiful earth the place we call home.
2006-07-20 06:56:30 UTC
There are only 2 species of animal that breed to destruction and they are bacteria and humans. That shoud tell you all something.

Ants are one of the most highly organsied species known to us; dolphins, and whales in general, have a very large vocabulary; alligators care for their young to the death. What makes us think we're the best??? The arrogance of mankind strikes again!
Miss Dee
2006-07-20 06:43:48 UTC
Well....we're dominant in that we tend to have an imperialistic attitude. We are certainly more intelligent (look how far we have come even from 20 years ago) than other species and we are dominant in that we can kill almost any other living species (Darwin's Survival of the Fittest). far as longevity, protozoa, other bacteria, and roaches have us beat.
2006-07-21 13:00:03 UTC
Uneducated people assume that they know everything.

Its just like the people that beleive that they are alone in the universe since we dont have the technology to travel beyond our own moon.

There could be species much more intelligent than us.

We probibly appear like the Flinstones to others and them as the Jetsons.

People need to be more open minded as to what is capable.
2006-07-21 12:50:41 UTC
In order to answer your question, I went over to another species and asked its thoughts, but for some reason or other, it wouldn't respond.

Seriously, people are the ones writing their books and since we tend to be egotistical we are of course going to say we are the dominant species.

Really, you have to realize that we would not exist without other species and we are dependent upon other species, which means we are not really dominant (i.e. independent.)
2006-07-20 20:51:24 UTC
I guess it's because we have the larger brain that we humans tend to think we are the dominant species but the truth is we really are not. We will eventually die out and when that happens what was here before us will still be here. Who will be the dominant species then? HMMMM
2006-07-20 06:41:30 UTC
The fact that we can´t breath underwater doesn´t put us below the goldfish in the evolutionary chain.. We are number one, because we are the most intelligent. There aren´t too many insects to my knowledge working on the space station.
2006-07-21 03:21:51 UTC
Yes all things you've mentioned are right. But we are earth's dominant species, because we have the power to dominate others. Lions, for example, kills and eats deers. But we kill lions. That gives us powers. We can dominate other living things, even the most furious predators. Yes, we don't fight them with claws and teeth (those things are essentially useless against them) but we have the kind of intellegencies that they do not have. That makes us the most dominant species.
2006-07-20 17:08:38 UTC
Not really, Humans are the ones that causing the most destruction. That small percentage is destroying the whole earth little by little(pollutions, hazardous wastes, destroying Animal environments, also causing animal and plants extension, etc. ) and of course, causing the "global warming". also Humans are outnumbering the animals there Billions of people on earth compared to millions of animals. and Humans are taking their Natural Habitat little by little every year
2006-07-21 08:09:37 UTC
Read the book Ishmael by Daniel Quinn for an interesting look at interdependence of the species. I would say viruses are probably the top dog...
2006-07-21 04:45:15 UTC
Can't breath underwater? Ever go diving? Perhaps we cannot breath underwater with gills but fish can't breath air and mammals who live in the water can't breath underwater either.

What other species has the intelligence to create artificial atmospheres not only to breath underwater, but to also go into the vacuum of space and survive albeit with artificial and mechanical extension of ourselves.
2006-07-20 22:17:08 UTC
i agree with what you say, and it makes sense, but we are the dominant species because we are highly evolved, much more intelligent (did a cockroach invent this internet system that you are using to ask this question, and i to answer???), and we don't really have any predators. no species is perfect, and we all have our drawbacks. when you look at the big picture, we really do almost control the rest of the world.
The King
2006-07-20 18:13:15 UTC
I would say because of the intelligence, like most of your answers. But over the years of wars and street fights and brawls over the dumbest stuff. Robbery, killings, and ignorance, I think humans are far from the dominant species!!! I hold this to the elephants!!!
2006-07-21 06:43:40 UTC
Mankind dominates the earth

and mankind is destroying the earth it is man that is cutting down the rain forest not the birds it is man who is polluting the rivers lakes and ocean not the fish it is.

It is man that is raping the land not the animals.

Man is the most dangerous animal on the face of the earth and i pray God will forgive mankind for destroying his beautiful Creation.
2006-07-21 04:59:05 UTC
Probably because we have a higher form of communication and are able to solve complex problems. However, the more research that is done on species of insects, mammals, etc... we are finding out that they are quite complex in their tasks to survive. Whether its instinct or rational thinking is yet to be discovered.
2006-07-21 00:17:41 UTC
Because humans are the smartest species on this planet. We created citys, computers, electricities, nucleur power, etc. We even have the power to wipe out any species on this planet while theres is no other species that can wipe us out. And most scary of all, unlike other species, we have the power to distroy this entire planet.
2006-07-20 18:11:54 UTC
It is canibalism, so many insight and quorum, it is not very believable to jump to conclusions and live in trenches dug in mind, yet many live around the conclusion we are all alike, and that is not true, many see mammals as their own, others see themselves as descendants of dinosaurs.

Some show fear and others show contempt.

Thus it is the ones who fear do not understand everything and use most 8% of activities they possess, while others do see everything as it is and use 11%-100% of what they say.

Oclurithmia helps species with minor intelect disable fear at the cost of ignorance and helpless attitude towards work and truth. They will lie everytime about basic concepts, conceit, pride and status, they see conceal as inferior and biased, whether do not analise their patterns and controls. They have so many buttons, until they are willing to press them and take flight I do not see those growing much or understanding their position on earth.

Most of us on our planet get to converse and understand so many subjects of study with no bliss or afliction because of how united we feel and the common studies we thrust upon our energies.
2006-07-21 17:32:40 UTC
Only human beings are liberated and can understand everything what's in here on earth.
2006-07-20 20:45:28 UTC
Because human being is the smartest living creature and therefore the use their intelligence to dominate the planet even though they are only a fraction.
2006-07-21 16:05:17 UTC
We claim to be the dominant species b/c we don't like the idea of being at the mercy of a different species and b/c there is no other species that can tell us that we're not.
2006-07-21 10:37:27 UTC
Main Reason- Nuclear Weapons
2006-07-21 10:37:22 UTC
Humans did not start out as the dominant species, but evolved to be. Because of our brain and intellect we evolved at a greater rate. God has alot to do with it as well and we all know what God has done after all we are made in God's image.
2006-07-21 08:16:50 UTC
Well, let's see....why don't you ask them? Oh wait, that's right. You can't. That's because humans are more intelligent & evolved. We have no natural predators and therefore are the more dominant species. Besides, we can claim whatever we want until another species evolves enough to argue with us!
2006-07-21 04:03:28 UTC
While there are more insecta on the planet, it is humankind who dominate because all other living species on earth do not possess the level of intelligence like homo sapiens have - therefore cannot dominate.

"Intelligence" makes us superior on planet earth; hence the perennial search for "intelligent life" continues in outter space... because a life-form possessing "intelligence" may have the capability to dominate humankind.
2006-07-20 21:55:32 UTC
but the difference between humans and the rest if the living things on earth is the human's ability to

take charge.

remember when the world was created according to the bible "... and man was made to rule over all other creatures," so it was destined for man to be more dominant species.
2006-07-20 17:31:22 UTC
Because people are doing the describing - we're bound to think we're dominant. However, it's well known in ant society that ants are the dominant species, haddock are convinced they rule the seas, and cats are absolutely convinced of their superiority - they even have human slaves!
None A
2006-07-20 07:22:15 UTC
Beacuse we consider ourselfs the most inteligent species on the planet compared to all the other known species, we have no natural enemies (only "artificial" ones build in the "labs" also by us ...) and nevertheless we are a so called "civilization"...
2006-07-20 06:42:57 UTC
Because humans brains are much more further developed, as their bodies are too, humans have thumbs and a more complex nervous system and a complex brain which they cannot replace or fix because scientists still do not know everything about it. As to animals with 4 legs and can't process as many things as humans can in their brain or body.
2006-07-20 19:33:58 UTC
Humans have more DNA than bacteria. The question is why would people describe bacteria as the dominant species. ?
2006-07-21 09:00:15 UTC
We are the only ones who have the power to protect other species and likewise are the only one capable of destroying all life on the planet. That sounds pretty dominant to me.
2006-07-20 23:04:58 UTC
Human Beings have the most developed brains. We also have the ability to think for ourselves, whereas some species are ruled solely instinct or hormones. We also have souls. We have the ability to create technology, music, art, and to write.
2006-07-23 02:35:48 UTC
Because only human beings are dependent on every other species and that no other specie is dependent on human race ever for survival....

thats y we say " humans are dominant....." its an ironny...

may b we shall say " humans are most dependent animals"
2006-07-21 13:54:21 UTC
Parasites outnumber humans 1,000,000,000 to 1. Every living creature on the planet also has at least 3 parasites. Even parasites have parasites.
2006-07-21 10:59:45 UTC
cos humans are like the thingamabobs who r everywhere they are the smartest of all animals and creatures on this earth. they've been going on for centurys and milleniums and all that other poo poo they created computers clothes and the donut they are the most dominant coz they r in at least every single country ok while ive been typing dis i think ive been talking poo but this is y i think humans are the most dominant good question though
mr curious
2006-07-21 09:45:47 UTC
Dominant is a broad term. Things you describe are all different. We are dominant in killing other species, thats for sure. But can't breathe under water.
2006-07-21 04:55:34 UTC
It's b'coz human with their intelligence can dominate other species for their use.

And they have made mechanisms to breath underwater also.They try to do which sometime in the past were impossibles.
2006-07-20 18:36:39 UTC
Because we have intelligent and the ability to reason. We have feelings.We have a brain that no other creature can compare . We have free will. That's why we're top dog. Not only that but we were created in the image of God.
Lupin IV
2006-07-21 11:57:30 UTC
Because were are teh dominant thing on this planet. Very few things kill us. We take everyone else on.

Bacteria is single cell organism, doesn't live as long and he kill it just as much as it does to us. Insects don't even rate. Birds are above them adn we are above birds.
2006-07-21 08:22:04 UTC
Because it was God's order for us to be dominant over the other species, see Genesis 26

Then God said, "Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; and let them rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over the cattle and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth."
2006-07-20 22:24:11 UTC
People like to see themselves as being dominant. Even though bacteria are the longest surviving species and they will probably outlive us, Man likes to believe it is his highest incarnation that controls his environment.
2006-07-20 21:15:00 UTC
People say that because human beings have the ability to control, change the shape of natural resources as he likes...he has the ablity to destroy nature in a second, kill all the other creatures and use them for himself..human being is very selfish...
2006-07-21 17:30:30 UTC
I'm not endorsing this idea, but I think you will find there is a connection between Christianity and anthropocentrism:

Genesis 1:26: "And God said, Let us make man in our image after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth."
Philip S
2006-07-21 12:08:10 UTC
Because we write the history, we are ego centric. If one is biblical we were given control of the living creatureson earth and it surely the changes we make the have the most dramatic effect on our planet.
2006-07-20 21:57:52 UTC
Well, we are at the top of the food chain, and technically that makes us dominant. It is not a matter of how many but rather how well we kill everything else that gets in our way. I don't like to think of us as "dominant", but it's true.
2006-07-20 06:40:34 UTC
Because people like to make themselves out to be as important as possible in order to calm their egos.

However, we also have the ability to either eat or control just about everything else on the planet (antibacterials and pesticides, for your examples) so that might add to the reasoning.
Gray Matter
2006-07-20 16:28:26 UTC
All that you said is true; but Man writes the books and articles proclaiming his dominance.

Surly with an ability like that He isn't about to take a backseat to any specie. Regardless, how true or imagined it might be.
2006-07-21 12:46:48 UTC
Well humans have souls and minds. They can rationalize in situations and tell the difference in right from wrong. Humans can do a lot of awesome stuff that animals can't.
2006-07-21 07:56:34 UTC
God made man in the image of Him and the angels. God also put man in charge of everything in the earth.This all can be found in Genesis. However, humans don't do a very good job of taking care of planet earth(pollution and extinctions of wildlife).
Amber I
2006-07-20 20:00:02 UTC
Because when God made humans He specifically put them in the place of dominance. "Then God said, 'Let us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth." Genesis 1:26 Now, this doesn't mean that we get to walk all over everything and abuse things. We are to be stewards of the earth that God has placed us on.
2006-07-21 08:24:33 UTC
because we are...can a bear develop the technology to develop the internet? no. can a duck develop a strategy for helping thousands of Katrina victims? no. can an elephant run a country? no. HUMANS can and have the reason, ability, brains, thumbs, and resources to do that and help the bears, ducks, and elephants from dying off or hurting themselves.
2006-07-21 06:31:33 UTC
I don't know. I bet if a person met a Wild animal in the wild, like a bear. The person would not be the dominant one. Just the bears snack.
2006-07-20 06:40:57 UTC
Cockroaches are the dominat speciesl. They've been here longer than anything else, and if we destroy outselves in a nuclear war, they will still be here.

I think humans and *called* the dominant species because we're supremely capable of completely ******* it up for everything else that lives on this planet. (ourselves included)
2014-06-28 01:48:10 UTC
Our infants are dependent on parental care because our brain mass relative to the size of our bodies is larger than any other creature known to exist and if the babies were in womb any longer, the size of the head would make coming out the birth canal impossible.
Gabriel M
2006-07-21 17:21:22 UTC
you are right...

the ants are the more dominant than humans...... they occupy almost all the world's landmass, they breath underwater, they have a highly organized society, they can comunicate, they reproduce fast and their infants are ready for work since day one...

now they cannot travel to outer space because they do not have the need to do so...
2006-07-21 14:48:06 UTC
people describe people as the dominant species because they are people. i'm sure if you asked a dog who the dominant species on the planet was, they would say dogs.
2006-07-20 19:43:38 UTC
Name another animal that treats its survival needs as entertainment. (Food, clothing, shelter.)

Name another species that has managed to build skyscrapers, an internet network, landed its fellow life forms on another planet/moon, and global telecommunication capability.

My point being, our technology has made us drastically surpass most life forms from a physical standpoint.

Too bad we're not spiritually as advanced as our machines.
2006-07-20 17:52:14 UTC
Because human beings are the only species that manufactures and uses weapons.
yer daddy
2006-07-21 17:27:35 UTC
because we are the only species capable of asking and answering questions such as yours.

bacteria and insects may be abundant, but that has nothing to do with dominance.

cognitive thought will always rule.
2006-07-21 07:16:08 UTC
Its interesting that you use the words "they" and "their" as if you were an outsider.

Because WE are conscious beings. We can use that power for good or for evil. I know that some others will bristle at this, but we are made in the image and likeness of God.

Just my thoughts.
2006-07-21 04:39:26 UTC
This is because of the highly developed cerebrum that they possess, and because of the ability to handle tools.The flexibility of joints enables them to all kinds of works. Bipedality has also contributed to many of the things that they do to make them dominant.
2006-07-20 23:32:29 UTC
We're the only ones who can rationalise. If you look at Socrate's way of categorizing objects you'll see that humans are clearly on top. It goes like this from bottom of chain to top:

Non-living (eg. rock)

Living but can't feel emotions (eg. tree)

Living and can feel emotions (eg. dog)

Living and can feel emotions and think rationally (eg. HUMANS!!)

and because of the fact that we can rationalise, we are mentally smarter than everything else which means we are more capable of greater things therefore we dominate. Plus yeh, we can kill everything else but not everything else can kill us.
2006-07-20 20:56:55 UTC
We are, and your wrong:( if bacteria and insects were the dominant species, then all other life would be non-existent.
2006-07-20 18:55:38 UTC
I don't see bacteria and insects forming a government, building hospitals, having an educational system... etc.
2006-07-20 06:49:33 UTC
...because we are atop the food chain and are by far the most intelligent. I get the point you are trying to make. It is the "environmentally aware" and "politically correct" view, but it is not a tenable point to make. We are ranked atop the species board by an enormous margin.
2006-07-21 06:53:51 UTC
Arrogance. Wait til we find out there is life on other planets & that we are not so smart as we think we are! Man does have one natural enemy...MAN! We are the only species that kills for pleasure.
2006-07-20 06:40:40 UTC
For the same reason that most people see God as some form of human like deity, because people are people minded, self deluded, and very conceited.
2006-07-20 06:38:50 UTC
Humans are this planet's dominant species because they're the most intelligent, and are capable of intelligent communication. Also, humans have no natural predators.
The Musafir
2006-07-21 16:57:06 UTC
well they bring the human species up since technically the humans are the most known dominant intelligent species .
2006-07-20 19:16:57 UTC
Human Beings kill more living creatures than

any other species - that makes them Number One!!
2006-07-21 08:57:50 UTC
That's simple. Humans are the only species that kill for sport so that makes them dominate.
2006-07-20 19:06:13 UTC
Is it not obvious! Our brains and thumbs. We can breathe under water have you heard of an oxygen tank. And when our babies are early we can save them. Could any other species do that?
2006-07-20 17:35:03 UTC
We're at the top of the food chain, and (apparently) the most intelligent. I think that constitutes dominance.
2006-07-21 11:59:23 UTC
Because we are. If you want to feel inferior to bacteria, go for it. But don't drag the rest of us down with you because you have low self esteem. Really, see a therapist, will you?
2006-07-21 09:47:00 UTC
It is because of our intelligence and capability to kill other animals and not be in a huge threat for other species. And of course opposable thumbs
2006-07-21 07:57:11 UTC
because we're the ones using up all of the earth's resources. We're the species which create havoc once we're in the society. We also know how to use our brains to our advantage.
2006-07-21 02:13:44 UTC
coz we r the most important species as we r the ones who research and make this world a better place to live in!
Jezabel the annoyed cat
2006-07-21 19:04:57 UTC
we are the only species that uses technology to survive on this planet.

for instance we raise animals for food,we plant crops,we use raw material to provide shelter for ourselves,we build complex machines for everything from building automobiles to harvesting those crops we plant.we use technology to defend ourselves. we as human beings have created using technology medications to cure many diseases. even as primitive man evolved he used technology to create fire and tools and weapons.our large forward thinking brains are what put us ahead of the pack.
2006-07-21 10:44:30 UTC
wow are you impressive, at this point 190 answers to this question. to add to the pile up: man is the dominant species because we tell ourselves we are, ant colonies likely tell themselves the same thing, and cockroaches are likely quite proud of their long history and apparent suitability to conditions on this planet, so it all boils down to anthropocentricity.
2006-07-21 02:24:34 UTC







2006-07-21 14:36:13 UTC
May be it is the ability to speak, read and write.

Or, communication through languages.

Or, the ability to reason.

The inquisitiveness...

Or scientifically speaking, simply a high Encephalization Quotient.
Jim C
2006-07-21 07:55:51 UTC
Because humans are doing the describing.
2006-07-20 06:40:28 UTC
more then insects and bacteria, and kind of cancer or virus that cant be cured would actually be the winner...i think they say that because humans can destroy and contain the majority of things on this planet...except those uncurable diseases and mother nature...although cockroaches are the things that would survive nuclear maybe they win!
2006-07-21 09:55:55 UTC
because, they are not right. they think that because we can kill the rest. In the real world nothing is dominant. It just goes around and around and around. Shoot, dogs and monkeys were in space before us. Corn and cows control us. We feed and fertilizer then their whole life.
fairly smart
2006-07-21 08:27:11 UTC
We domesticate & therefore control, or dominate most of the other species in the world. If we can't domesticate it, we call it dangerous...
2006-07-20 06:40:41 UTC
ur question reads wrong: no-one said we are the most dominant species. dat credit shall go only to cockroaches, locusts and a variety of micro-organisms. but we certainly are the most evolved species (look into a biological timescale chart).

cya then

2006-07-21 09:41:32 UTC
We are pretty much at the top pf the food chain. We think very highly of themselves.
Kelly M
2006-07-20 17:50:38 UTC
Because the bible in Gen. says that God created man in His image and made him dominate over sea creature, flying creature, and land creature.
2006-07-20 17:13:13 UTC
For better or worse, Man holds the fate of the animal kingdom in his hands.
2006-07-20 17:48:58 UTC
No, we humans are.....we dominate every other creature...water or land....we can kill any creature large or small, fast or slow..we have guns and other things to protect us and kill with.....other animals have not created anything to kills other animals other than what they were sent to this earth with.
Sir Greggath
2006-07-21 13:21:26 UTC
Because we have thumbs.

And because we are the only species that can for see our own death... everything we do is because of that. Any other species is just working on instict.
2006-07-21 09:59:00 UTC
we have the entire planet under our subjection...we are in the process of destroying the planet right now... we are the dominant ones....Numbers never really matter when you have more destructive power...i.e....pizarro and the Incas...out numbered thousands to one.. the Spaniards caused the Incan civilization to collapse under the stress of steel weapons...
- lhen -
2006-07-20 20:53:57 UTC
humans happened to have the highest level of thinking,.. among other species, it is said to be a rational animal, in such manner that it is regarded to be on top of other kind.
2006-07-21 16:43:35 UTC
but do they have a brain like ours? no. and that is why we are able to raise kids and take 9 months to reproduce, we are bigger if we reproduced faster, we would be in chaos and disease. They are smaller they can reproduce all they want and never worry about no living space.
2006-07-21 10:11:47 UTC
We simply don't know any better and based on the fact that we've manipulated the enviroment to fit our bidding, I think it's a fair asessment.
2006-07-21 05:03:13 UTC
If you are talking about poppulation, then you are right, but talking about the most developed and capable species then its the human species.
Joe King
2006-07-21 00:11:53 UTC
Your right....bacteria and insects RULE.....

It's humans that say we are the top specie....

you don't hear an ant say "WE DOMINANT THE HUMANS".

well not since i have been taking my pill's....
2006-07-20 18:52:58 UTC
I dont think any of the things you have listed makes humans less dominant.
2006-07-20 17:38:27 UTC
Do you see any other creatures on the planet asking questions to people thousands of miles away??
2006-07-21 09:52:08 UTC
because we are the only ones capable of making drastic changes to our environment, who use complex and intricate written and vocal languages, who use highly integrated and complex tools and the ONLY species capable of not only causing the extinction of other species, but also of ourselves.
2006-07-21 07:06:07 UTC
Humans have a BIG ego that is why they THINK they are the dominant species...
2006-07-21 05:49:49 UTC
Because we are able to destroy all other species on the planet, including plants, mammals, ... no matter of their size or intellect
2006-07-21 01:54:02 UTC
The answer's very simple; we are the most capable and intelligent living thing on earth.
2006-07-20 23:43:06 UTC
Because we seem to have

a single minded capability

of unnecessarily destroying

every species, including us

human beings.

Sad, isn't it?
Yona B
2006-07-20 17:59:27 UTC
Because we are. What other specie can do half the things that humans can do?
2006-07-20 17:26:49 UTC
1.humans are the top of the food chain

2.animals arnt as advanced as humans should'nt worry because if it was'nt for humans alot of animals would be exstinked or there would be way too many of them.
2006-07-21 12:57:35 UTC
I think because we have the biggest brain capacity. That doesn't always mean smarter or better though. We have many faults as do animals.
Benicio Del Costner
2006-07-21 12:44:01 UTC
If any other species would like to claim dominance, why don't they just speak up?

They can't. Because they are dumb.
That one guy
2006-07-21 10:31:03 UTC
we are called the dominant species because we are the most intelligent animal on the planet."dominant"has nothing to do with where we live.its all intelligence.
2006-07-21 09:21:59 UTC
it is because we, human beings are the only species created by God in his own image and likeness. we are also the only species who have freewill. we can do things on our own, and also we have intellect, we are able to think. we have emotions. we are very superior in all of God's creation...
2006-07-21 05:27:58 UTC
Humans have the power of reason
2006-07-21 05:13:48 UTC
Humans differ from other animals in that they are created in the image of God.
2006-07-21 01:29:33 UTC
It says in the bible we're dominant, and we're the smartest and on top of the food chain.
2006-07-20 17:22:05 UTC
We possess one trait that no other species does that titles us the dominant species- EGO.
2006-07-21 11:48:43 UTC
humans are the planet's dominant species because that is the way God planed it.
2006-07-21 11:02:41 UTC
Simple, we are the only sentient species on the planet.

Cognito ergo sum.
2006-07-20 22:02:45 UTC
It's because we stand upright & walk on 2 legs.

But, I think we may have competion with viruses.
2014-10-26 20:15:08 UTC
IF anyone did a study of EARTH PEOPLE based on what they found in these undereducated questions, then I think They could easily think that Earth people are STUPID.
2006-07-21 20:06:34 UTC
can you imagine if bacteria and insects ran the world?how about them cutting you a paycheck or giving you a job?that wouldn't work would it?
2006-07-21 10:17:20 UTC
Humans make loud noises with cars, trucks and motorcycles
2006-07-21 09:26:16 UTC
Wow do you know something I don't know?... what bacteria can develop technology and drive a car... only in cartoons sweetie
anni_shaa Yeap Yip
2006-07-21 04:00:53 UTC
the answer is written in the answer:

"Why do people describe"

ofcourse ppl will describe themselves as as this planet's dominant specie.

ppl are by nature: egoistic and think mostly of themselves.
rollin on dubz
2006-07-21 09:20:07 UTC
can bacteria and insects create yahoo answeres i don't think so

the point is intellectually we're dominant
2006-07-21 12:14:41 UTC
Because they control the majority of technology.
2006-07-21 06:13:20 UTC
Because of numbers and percentages
2006-07-21 06:00:16 UTC
Wow, you got a lot of responses. I'm with you, bacteria and beetles have us beat.
2006-07-20 21:12:34 UTC
Only humans have reasoning capabilities
2006-07-20 17:04:49 UTC
Simply because we are on top of the food chain itself.
2006-07-21 13:39:30 UTC
I think it's because, sadly, that we're the only species that can speak up for ourselves.
2006-07-20 23:26:38 UTC
We are dominant only in comparison to the destruction we cause.
2006-07-20 18:16:20 UTC
We are at the TOP of the food chain. Therefore we win.
2006-07-20 17:15:28 UTC
i think you're right about the insects and bacteria, but they say that because we are capable of killing everything else.
2006-07-21 08:41:15 UTC
We are at the top of the food chain
Derek Dirisio
2006-07-20 16:29:31 UTC
I think its beacuase ,well yeah, we can be harmed by other organisms but we can stay alive! We can do what we want.Humans have the have the knowledge to survive by inventing.(i.e. spears bow and arrow to kill).All other organisms on earth dont have our kind of knowledge!
2006-07-20 09:47:08 UTC

WE dominate

We are the ones who are doing the calling!
2006-07-20 21:02:24 UTC
Because we rule...we are so powerful that we have the ability to end this planet if we choose to.
The One Truth
2006-07-20 20:02:33 UTC
It is because we can't communicate with other species so they don't have a vote in our polls.
2006-07-21 14:39:11 UTC
because we are xenophobic idiots...

i agree that bacteria is the top dog...just because they don't have brains doesn't mean they are inferior

just let one of those nasty critters into your body and you will see how 'inferior' we really are...
2006-07-20 21:47:17 UTC
That is simple. The answer is human intelligence.
2006-07-20 09:56:47 UTC
We have the highest technology. We are also the most intelligent and advanced.
2006-07-20 06:39:47 UTC
because homo sapiens are the most highly evolved specie on da planet.
2006-07-21 10:53:21 UTC
Humans have conscience thought that other animals don't have.Other animals only think instictively.
2006-07-21 10:17:02 UTC
Its because of their highly limited perceptions and super ego.
2006-07-21 09:13:33 UTC
well if i ever see a mosquito with a laptop or a hot tub or a girl friend ill tell u
Kookie M
2006-07-20 18:24:05 UTC
Don't we invent things to kill bacteria and insects?
2006-07-20 06:48:16 UTC
We are the most intelligent and also have the ability to kill any other animal
2006-07-20 06:46:42 UTC
God gave dominion to man. He made the world and everything in it - he got to decide who had dominion.
2006-07-21 19:34:43 UTC
We possess full reasoning and intellectual depth that far exceeds any animal, thus we are the masters.
kartik i
2006-07-21 01:28:17 UTC
coz of the super brain and a huge population
2006-07-20 20:18:25 UTC
It's the opposable thumbs.
2006-07-20 23:14:22 UTC
What other species does what we do? Sounds like you should be or are a PETA MEMBER.
2006-07-21 14:36:15 UTC
we're the most advanced

do you see tigers making buildings?


we make computers

like ants can do that

Im just saying, we ARE the most advanced
2006-07-20 06:39:16 UTC
so what,do u wish u were a bacteria or a bug? u think wierd
2006-07-21 17:04:09 UTC
because Bianca says thnks 4 the 2 points!!!!
2006-07-21 16:18:37 UTC
It's because God made us the only thing with souls.
2006-07-21 07:58:18 UTC
If they are, it's because there is more of them. My science teacher taught about it in school one year.
2006-07-20 06:39:01 UTC
Depends on how you rate it. I like the beetles.
2006-07-21 15:06:16 UTC
we,the humans,are more intelligent than any other species on earth.
2006-07-21 14:44:09 UTC
We are top of the food chain.
2006-07-21 05:46:41 UTC
I think because we cause the most impact.

Laughing at the thumbs answer!!!
2006-07-21 11:21:58 UTC
Arrogance and our superior intelligence sets us apart.
2006-07-20 21:08:16 UTC
Are you serious? Because PEOPLE are saying this about HUMAN BEINGS! Frogs say it about themselves, gerbils, sharks; we are saying it. You just can't decifer "frog."
2006-07-20 18:44:20 UTC
may be they belived that if a plant need water, food and light that us human need it too u ever thougth about that
2006-07-21 09:34:43 UTC
becouse we are the only species that can change our fate and dystenys tank64
power ranger
2006-07-21 06:56:12 UTC
b'coz man is highly developed & has the ability to do any thing
2006-07-21 05:28:58 UTC
it has to do with religion namely christianity. christians beleive that animals not only have no souls but that they are inferior to humans.
ms♥ catepillarஐღஐஐღஐ
2006-07-21 04:10:56 UTC
because we are at the very top of the food chain.
Nerdly Stud
2006-07-20 17:34:52 UTC
People like to pretend they are hot stuff.
2006-07-20 22:42:39 UTC
Because they don't know the Truth
2006-07-21 11:39:14 UTC
Same reason human beings screw everything up.
2006-07-21 11:54:02 UTC
because we have all the radioactive crap and could destroy the whole planet.. were already in the pratice
2006-07-21 09:13:31 UTC
because we can communicate from 1000's of miles away, and don't say so do whales, they have no legs.
2006-07-21 10:08:45 UTC
humans have intelligence that surpass other creation in this world.
2006-07-21 17:59:58 UTC
because most ppl believe that they are better than all other living things
2006-07-21 01:58:26 UTC
cus we can wipe out the rest if we want to
2006-07-24 04:12:43 UTC
because we are way more clever and have become domiant!!

no other creatures go out to

kill us on purpose!!
2006-07-21 14:06:57 UTC
were the smartest speices on earth
jimi p
2006-07-21 13:04:40 UTC
because we have the ability to destroy the world
Mattie C
2006-07-21 11:01:04 UTC
humans have greater intelligence
2006-07-20 16:13:55 UTC
We have a high opinion of ourselves.
2006-07-21 10:40:08 UTC
they say that because we are. And because we could kill all the other ones.
2006-07-21 06:55:40 UTC
because we manipulate our environment and can adapt to any situation. other things cannot do that, its why they go extinct.
2006-07-21 10:11:30 UTC
the ability to reason
2006-07-21 19:14:07 UTC
Because we think we are the best but we are not
2006-07-21 15:50:16 UTC
Big brains = big egos.
Da Great 1
2006-07-21 13:37:38 UTC
At least bacteria don;t die.
2006-07-20 18:43:09 UTC
God made us the "DOMINANT SPECIES." It's

in the Bible.
2006-07-20 20:09:22 UTC
because no other species can drive cars....
2006-07-21 12:40:19 UTC
we have se x alot and kell other stuff
2006-07-20 16:35:49 UTC
read the genesis it was God who said that
2006-07-21 12:46:43 UTC
2006-07-20 17:35:18 UTC
have you looked around lately?
2006-07-20 16:59:34 UTC
We can brew our own beer!
2006-07-20 06:38:46 UTC
i think its is because we could kill all other species
2006-07-21 19:09:55 UTC
i think its bacasue of the way we communicate. we have the most direct way to do so.
2006-07-21 06:16:25 UTC
2006-07-21 05:46:05 UTC
we have thumbs and we're not afraid to use them
2006-07-21 17:53:23 UTC
because people are arrogant! plan and simple.
2006-07-21 13:30:08 UTC
2006-07-21 08:56:58 UTC
because we have more power
2006-07-20 17:56:46 UTC
I don"t know
2006-07-21 09:54:35 UTC
B/c we are full of our selves.


Jeremy© ® ™
2006-07-21 13:59:00 UTC
because they are
2006-07-20 17:52:04 UTC
It's in the Bible - that's why
blonde one
2006-07-21 11:53:24 UTC
good question
2006-07-21 14:36:01 UTC
what a dumb question
2006-07-21 16:57:00 UTC
were smater
2006-07-21 19:31:56 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.