What do u think about 'spider'?
2010-01-23 00:23:53 UTC
Its an unique insect.Please share some interesting facts about spider if u know.
Eleven answers:
2010-01-28 03:13:27 UTC
Spider have 8 legs..........HA HA....................
2016-12-14 19:53:37 UTC
Spiders Produce Milk
2010-01-26 00:24:29 UTC
Hey this information may be interesting.........

Medical research using spider venom has yielded several chemicals that may be useful to control or treat diseases in humans. spider venom may eventually be used to treat some heart conditions.

a peptide isolated from the venom of the spider Grammostola spatulata (picture) inhibits atrial fibrillation.

spiders have structures designed to get rid of nitrogenous waste. These are called malpighian tubules and function in a manner similar to our own kidneys. Spiders don't produce urine like we do, but produce uric acid, which doesn't dissolve in water and is a near-solid. Spiders have this alternate form of waste because they can't afford to lose as much water as we do. These malpighian tubules drain into an pouch attached to the digestive tract (called a stercoral pocket) so the uric acid waste from the "kidneys" is combined and eliminated together with solid waste from the digestive tract. In this sense, spiders don't deposit separate feces and urine, but rather a combined waste product that exits from the same opening (anus).

The weight of insects eaten by spiders every year is greater than the total weight of the entire human population.

Spiders have 48 "knees": 8 legs with 6 joints on each.

Young spiders are able to regrow (=regenerate) a leg if it is lost.
2010-01-24 17:44:10 UTC
Panthera Onca saw it before me, but as soon as I read the question, I spotted the word: insect. Spiders are not insects.

I do not like spiders, they bite me and it is painful for days, until all the flesh around is totally raw or even destroyed, leaving holes. Spiders are dangerous.

Symbolically, spiders are manufacturers and architects, they weave their web. They are industrious and mystically solitary, alone in their webs. But there are so many beautiful creatures on Earth, that considering how harmful they are, I prefer to focus on other animals.
Ranj பலமே வாழ்வு; பலவீனமே மரணம்!
2010-01-23 00:35:24 UTC
Black widow spider: The female spider would kill the male spider after the sex. So, it is called as black widow spider.This is the only interesting special information which I feel unique and know about spiders.
2010-01-23 21:44:46 UTC
Whenever I hear the name spider or see one, first thing that comes to my mind was a story (part of my school syllabus). I think it was about Robinson Crusoe, who was imprisoned in a island and he makes many attempt to escape but failed every time, he almost gave up hope. But he saw a spider in his cell trying to build a web and it failed connecting two sides of the wall. It fell to ground but never stopped climbing back up for another attempt. Again failed but kept going and going without giving up, finally the spider was able to make a very spectacular web and Crusoe made other attempts and escaped from the prison. Spider was inspiration to him.
2010-01-26 07:17:56 UTC
Spider is a creepy insect.

The most famous thing abt a spider is the movie spider man.

Spider man is a movie abt a college going geek, who gets bitten by a spider & he gets the powers.

Its a gudd movie & a must watch fr animation freaks.
Panthera onca
2010-01-23 05:53:52 UTC
Well here is one that no one has picked out yet.

It is NOT an insect.

Its an Arachnid... all spiders are arachnids, as are scorpions, and most lice and ticks.

Arachnids have 8 legs, insects have 6.
2010-01-23 00:26:30 UTC
Why did it have to be spiders? Why couldn't it be a question about butterflies?
2010-01-23 03:08:24 UTC
SPIDERS are one of Americas most amazing natural resources! Here are some amazing BUT TRUE facts about the amazing world of spiders!

# Did you know that those spiders with hair on them are mammals, and thus produce delicious (and unusually cold) milk. Spiders produce milk using the same glands that they produce silk threads with.

# Did you know that a single strand of spider web has more potential energy than the bomb dropped on Nagasaki? But because spiders do not naturally exist in areas of high fusion, there is little danger to the average person.

# Did you know that a spider egg contains as much DNA as four humans combined? And that's just one of the unborn spiders, the entire egg sac outnumbers the population of India

# Did you know that spiders cannot physically die of natural causes? If kept safe, a spider can continue to live and grow larger for a theoretically unlimited amount of time. In fact, in China there exists a collection of 'holy' spiders, hatched some 2,800 years ago during the height of the Mang-Tsun dynasty.

# A spider's carapace, if sufficiently scaled, could adequately shield a nuclear blast

# The most valuable spider is the Kenyan Applecrosser. These elegant spiders actually grow beautiful, near-flawless emeralds on their abdomens.

# There's actually an extremely rare spider in Eastern Africa, called the Snow Spider. Its body is completely white, but it spins a completely black web

# Spiders can sustain hundreds of atmospheres of pressure, and can work flawlessly in a vacuum. Scientists have discovered spiders working at both the bottom of the sea and in the ultra-thin atmosphere thirty miles above the Earth.

# That's easy - while spiders are usually known for their webs, they can also weave wind-sailing "parachutes" capable of taking them high above the world below. Furthermore, the so-called WindCurrent Spiders have actually evolved to live without a verticle base - they have lived for hundreds of millenia within the Earths ionosphere. The WindCurrent Spider is cannabilistic, it also retrieves many of its nutrients from sunlight, via a process not unsimilar to photosynthesis.

# The largest spider ever observed by scientists was over 8 feet long and weighed in at 530 pounds. It was actually immobile though, it's legs had been broken long ago by merely carrying its own weight

# The Orange Magma Spider can resist heat up to 5,300 degrees F. Ironically, they exist only at the southernmost tip of the South Pole's largest glacier.

# The average human autopsy procedure in Chicago, IL will reveal roughly 250 small spiders living at points throughout the endocrine and circulatory systems. In New York, NY the average is upwards of 800.

# In conventional psychology the most dangerous concept in dream understanding is the spider - it represents to the human subconscious the eleven stages of grieving (eight legs, torso, two antannae).

# Given sufficient motivation, the Harjack Spider can produce enough silk to suffocate the average human infant in a matter of minutes.

# Harvard Neurologists have discovered that an average spider's brain possesses a greater mental capacity than the world's most brilliant scientists. If their brains didn't lack a cognitive lobe, they'd be more intelligent than Einstein

# The Shoecase Spider of the Australian Southwest creates and inhabits tiny skyscrapers, made of wooden sticks held together by heavy silk threads. These constructions have been known to be up to fifty feet high in unpopulated areas.

# Did you know that spiders are almost all homosexual? Their species evolved to be that way as a form of population control. That's why there are so many male spiders and so few female. And that's also why the queen kills the male after mating with it, because she views him as a genetic anomaly

# Did you know that millipedes were eventually just strings of dozens of spiders? Evolution changed them into the single animals we know today.

# Did you know that one of the most amazing spiders is the enourmous Seawheel Spider? They evolved in the eighteen hundreds to perfectly emulate the spiked captains wheels on British sailing frigates.

# The United States government spends over four percent of its GDP on methods to eliminate spiders - that's more than the war on terror, the war on drugs and the national parks program combined!

# The cursive 'X' commonly used to represent a variable in basic algebra comes from the spider - it harkens back to ancient Greece, when mathamaticians would use dried spider husks to symbolize their complex equations.

# The word "Spider" comes from an acronym. Scientists investigating spiders in the 17th century would abbreviate "Sample -- Please Investigate Data; Exoskeleton Regular" on their insect containers.

# Not only is owning large spiders legal, in some places it's mandatory! In the Sandwhich Islands British zoologists issue spider kits to natives when they reach the age of sixteen. The spiders are necessary because
2016-02-26 11:20:13 UTC
don't you mean: Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled pepper A peck of pickled pepper Peter Piper picked. If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled pepper Where's the peck of pickled pepper Peter Piper picked?

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