Mouse droppings on window sill?
2011-10-19 12:56:09 UTC
I keep finding little mouse droppings and what appears to be wee on the window sill of my corner window in the living room. I've checked the whole house - behind furniture, under kitchen cupboards, etc and can see no other sign of mouse droppings.

If I do have mice why would they being leaving their droppings on the window sill. I really don't understand what is attracting them to the window sill. There is nothing there (ie, food).
Five answers:
2011-10-19 12:59:20 UTC
Some animals return to the same spot to do their business. Plus I doubt they would poo where the food was. Think yourself lucky you dont have Elephants....
2011-10-19 19:57:50 UTC
lay out a trap at the window sill u have a mouse in da house
Dakota Rising
2011-10-19 20:02:55 UTC
That is the whole point.Mice and other animals do not excrete or urinate near food, where they sleep..etc

Plus, there is fresh air, and light near the window, so it somewhat benefits them..No exact reason though.
2011-10-19 20:23:14 UTC
They are trying to get outside to leave their droppings. If they are at the window they are throughout the house. You need to exterminate them, they carry disease.
2011-10-19 19:57:56 UTC

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