How is possible thatsome people do not believe evolution given the vast amount of evidence for it?
2006-09-20 13:20:48 UTC
Some people deny evolution in favour of religion when they have absolutely no evidence to support their belief
42 answers:
miyuki & kyojin
2006-09-21 00:00:49 UTC
You should get much insight from answers you get to this question. In my sister's case, she was brainwashed all of her life with Christianity and believes it's wrong to even question it. I got the same routine, but my IQ is much higher than my siblings', and no one can make me stop questioning everything. She doesn't want to see evidence for evolution. If I mention it, she has a tantrum and insults me to divert the issue away from something that upsets her by perhaps causing her to doubt religion when she believes it's a sin. The creationists try to divert us from seeing they have no evidence at all to support their naive beliefs by attacking evolution. There are unanswered questions about some mechanisms involved, but no reputable scientist doubts that it is essentially true, for there is just too much evidence to support the fact of Evolution. Creationists exaggerate such things and take statements out of context. This is lying! What they don't realize is that even if one could disprove evolution, he wouldn't automatically prove any other theory, and there'd still be no evidence at all for Genesis creation. A tired chant is, "Evolution is just a theory". This shows pathetic ignorance, for a scientific theory is not a preliminary, unproven hypothesis but an idea that has much evidence to support it but still has some details that need to be completed to make it a law of science.
Crazy Eagle
2006-09-20 13:34:48 UTC
It is important to distinguish between evelutionary fact and evolutionary theory. The fossil record shows that gradual development toward increasing complexity (ie: evolution) as a historical fact. Many educated people before Darwin accepted this. BUt, they thought evolution was guided by God.

Darwn cam up in with a mechanism by which evolution could proceed via entirely natural causes - natural selection operating on random variation. But, this is still just a theory, not an observed fact. Yes, bacteria have adapted to antibiotics, and moths have turned darker a s camaflague against brighter days. Critics do not deny evolution works in this way. THey want to know if Darwin's theory can account for how there came to be moths and bacteria in the first place.

REad Darwin's Black Box, fo the other side of the controversy.
Edward J
2006-09-20 14:10:39 UTC
I do not deny certain amounts of evolution. One only has to look at the human race and notice we have different colours and features. However the amount of evidence which proves evolution is really scant at best. Add to this some in the scientific community persist in presenting "proofs" which have already been disproven and rejected. The work being done in the DNA code has been causing allot of people to think the evolution theory over. The microscopic DNA contains over 3 billion codes for the human genome. Just as a computer has to have a source of information to run, where did the DNA information originate? I have noticed that some people do not want to believe in a God for personal reasons. Understandably if we accept thee is a God we cannot accept that we might be accountable for our actions. Finally there is the fact of the Cambrian explosion which shows that most of the life forms appearing suddenly at point in time. i don't claim to have all the answers but I can assure you the evolutionists are equally divisive on many issues, but some are honest enough to admit they don't want to allow the divine foot back in the door. Is this not evidence of their own bias?
2006-09-20 13:34:35 UTC
There a alot of whole in the whole evolution theory especially "Lucy". The skeleton was actually found miles a part and then placed together. Grand Canyon...the deepest part of it is in the middle so if its was a river wouldn't the deepest part be at the beginning or end?

Just because I don't believe that I came from a monkey doesn't mean I don't believe in different part of evolution either. I believe things change in time through natural selection.

But can you honestly say that you have HARDCORE proof for evolution?

Just because someone doesn't hold the same beliefs as you doesn't mean that you need to get up set about it and be mean. I am not running around calling people that believe in evolution idiots. People have different opinions get over it.
2006-09-20 13:58:54 UTC
I used to believe in god, because that’s how I was raised, you get more from your parents then you might think. I always had an interest in science, especially life sciences. I think I believed in god and evolution, because I didn’t fully understand evolution, I had a firm grasp on what god and religion was all about. I started reading many different science books on evolution and zoology, watching programs about it and searching the net, etc. I also done allot of reading about primates and human evolution, and realized that god was a lie. Science doesn’t answer all questions, no one said it did, but it answers more questions then the bible, religion and god ever did or will, and it has evidence to back those questions. The biggest problem is that people who don't believe in evolution don't understand it completely. Or it contradicts what thier religious beliefs say, and they shun it away all together. I think people need to open their minds to different possibilities.
2006-09-20 13:48:17 UTC
There is still a flat earth society,it has a website! We have orbited the earth in our spacecrafts,we have taken photgraphs of it, we have filmed it, yet they still insist on saying "Nope it is flat,it always was it always will be".

I have had a look at some of these creationist websites that deny evolution. Even an amateur fossil hunter and geologist like me can see their knowledge of science is woefully inadequate. There is even one website that says that all the tectonic plates actually float on water,(eh?) that is where all the water for the biblical flood came from!

It is as plain as the nose on your face. The deeper you dig down, the more primitive are the organisms that you find in the rocks That is an undeniable FACT.The average 10 year old can see that. As one eminent scientist said when asked what would persuade him that evolution was false he replied :"Someone finding the remains of a Pre-Cambrian rabbit!


Well look what was on the news today ! ( no, not a Pre -Cambrian rabbit, quite the opposite )
2006-09-20 13:40:20 UTC
There are lots of reasons why people do not believe despite overwhelming evidence (e.g. evolution):

1) They are too small-minded or lazy to be bothered to read the evidence or incorporate it into their world view

2) They have vested interests in an alternative belief system

3) They were brought up in a bigoted peer system with threats and violence and are trained to be dumbheads

4) They are unable to think logically. These are the chaotics and do not believe anything much.

5) A people with a blindness to abstract concepts. Its a square world.

Although this issue does not come up in England and much of Europe (Ireland is an exception) similiar blockhead lack of thinking causes much of the social misery and distress. The petty Hitlers and lunatics in positions of power.
2006-09-20 13:38:18 UTC
There is evidence for evolution of some sort, but the theory is very far from complete. There are definitely some things that cannot be explained by it. For instance, how did the single-pump heart of a fish suddenly experience a mutation into a double-pump, fully functional heart where one pump is connected to the lungs and another to the rest of the body? I don't believe our current theory of evolution, not in favour of religion, but because of the ridiculously big holes in it.
2006-09-20 14:21:30 UTC
I must say i was successful in probing your thoughts in my earlier prompts . I will answer you briefly and precisely

people do not believe in evolution because of the scientific theory itself , the basic LAW of living things flies straight into their faces , the Law that living things can only come from living things , meaning in reverse living things cannot come from nonliving things no matter what .

many agree with the Law , it can be demonstrated easily because you cannot create bacteria from steralised glass . science is good it can be proven and has laws that can be demonstrated .Thus when prompted to explain the origins of life look how the Law changes , we are now told after the big bang and the cooling off of unstable elements ( non living ) they interacted in certain unknown conditions to form Living matter ( cells ) .How was it possible for such an interaction to defy the Laws of Science , well we are then told to shut up , how ingnorant we are and refered to read more books written by now defuct researchers and scientists.

We are then refered to new undisputable evidence on how similar our genetic coding is to a bacteria with differences in certain few bases .There are plausable evidence of similarities in animals and people appreciate the evidence but simply cannot believe the whole story.

The Mutation Theory that supersided Darwin,s theory of Natural selection hit a hitch , cooled off and was replaced by the theory of mutation . It also had its Law that states that Mutations ie deviations from the norm will always die or perish , if true how come Evolution in reowed papers promote the survival of these mutants .

Again the historical unfaithfulness of our researchers and their regulating bodies did do us a disfavour . Remember tha manipulation of data and evidence in the past and now the japan Professor of Genetics and reproductive biology and his fake cloning experiments . manipulation of the scientific method and the power of presentation that even fooled the best minds of the field ( The regulating bodies ) . They all had come to " believe in the Father of the Gene theory" the dolly creator and forgot in his own words that he also is " simply human " makes mistakes and needed a holiday . Try answer my next probing question it might enlighten your belief .

What then is Evidence my friend ?How is it different from manipulation ?
2006-09-20 13:29:47 UTC
People do not deny evolution in favour of religion, they deny it in favour of creation and it can be proved but the answer would take too long here but I'll tell you one fact for you to get your head round. National Geographic published a graph showing the projected rise in population. Get hold of the graph and project it backwards until you arrive at only two people. How far back would that be, 4000/4500 years ago, the time of the flood and Noahs Ark.

Think of this, carbon dating a live snail gives a date of now, carbon date it's shell, it's age, 2,000,000 years. That's because snails eat lime to grow the shell. Confused now eh?
2006-09-20 13:57:32 UTC
What is this "vast amount" of evidence that you speak of? Believing in Evolution (Macroevolution, to be specific) takes just as much faith as believing in God. There are many theories to be sure. But, here are the essential elements of the scientific method:

Characterizations (Quantifications, observations, and measurements)

Hypotheses (theoretical, hypothetical explanations of observations and measurements)

Predictions (reasoning including logical deduction from hypotheses and theories)

EXPERIMENTS (tests of all of the above)

I'd like to see the experiments done to prove evolution. If you could provide me with one shred of evidence, I'm quite sure I could refute it. It is either a proof for microevolution, which most people don't have a problem with and is wholly different from macroevolution, or it is a fabrication.

One thing the "Theory of Evolution" is abundant in is confirmed falsifications in experimental data, in order to fill a missing gap.
I loathe YH answers
2006-09-20 13:34:41 UTC
2006-09-20 13:33:16 UTC
How is it possible that some people believe in religion given the total lack of real evidence for it?

People will always be persuaded to believe whatever they want to believe.

The answers to such questions (if ever answered) are often incredible. Look at quantum physics(for example) where the answers we appear to have are much stranger than the questions!
2006-09-20 13:28:41 UTC
Evolution is a more compelling theroy than creationism-but it's not with out flaws. It provides strong evidence for natural selection, but does'nt answer the golden question:how did life start?

I belive in natural selection, but some time have my doubts when I consider just how amazingly complex and intracate life is-take the brain. Creationism brings with it a gigantic advantage... all those uncertainties and unanswered question are answered by "that's the way god made it". They do say ignorance is bliss.
2016-10-17 12:36:05 UTC
Evolution can not produce something new different than for rearranging the alleles already contemporary interior the organism. Genes for specific good factors are the two grew to become on or off counting on the ambience of the organism. the occasion of canines and so on (foxes, hyenas, dingos, wolves) which you have given may be diverse species yet they are all genetically correct and might interbreed. The so-called vestigial organs no longer vestigial. There was many extra organs defined as vestigial in in the previous textbooks. Now human beings be attentive to their applications and as a result that selection has long previous down drastically.
2006-09-20 13:29:38 UTC
you forget that "their" idea of evidence is a book written by unknown authors, thousands of years ago. when you factor this sort of mentality into why they don't beileve in the "evidence" proving evolution, it's not that hard to see where' they are coming from. besides, evolution is learned through logic and the pursuit of knowledge. religion is forced upon you from an early age. these people never stood a chance.
2006-09-20 14:28:10 UTC
Anytime I asked some one to show me proof of evolution they cant there is nothing solid tho show and if I ask questions like . 1 if we came from One celled orginisims how did we become two celled ?a one celled produces one celled it can not produce two celled. evrey time I ask qeustions the answer always starts with the words "proberly, or most likely. How can anyone believe a statement that starts withwords like probably and mostlikely especially when you say you have proof but give me a statement. If Science is right about evolution, they should be able to reproduce it in a controlled study right? If not then it is not science right? I believe in GOD because I have proof that GOD exist. I know Him.You want me to show you my proof? Can you show me proof of whether or not You love your mother or father? Your answer to that is the same as mine I KNOW I love my mother. I know GOD exsist just like i know I love my mother. Any thing I show you about knowing GOD exsists or loving my mother you can dispute. If I show you mother's day cards you can say I was being nice because it was mother's day,and so. Now I know of a way that you can find out if GOD exsists. Ask HIM to show You if HE is real or not. HE will answer. P.S. I think it is funny that 60 years or so ago people rather believe in GOD then aliens but Now people would rather believe in aliens then GOD, there is no proof of aliens either.
2006-09-20 13:38:26 UTC
For some neurotic, superstitious reason, they are more comfortable being formed out of Play-Doh by an alien than the hideous, revolting possibility of being related to the monkeys!

They can't face that. And they want power to be special, power over death, that might come from being God's toy.
2006-09-20 13:38:12 UTC
Whereas me may be of the Genus Homien Sapiens. Our Background,parentel teaching and religious teaching are specific to ..Where in this world of ours we live. Our Status within that place. Our Gender ,our size, too many variables. It maybe a matter of survival that someone complies with certain ideals. Please don't consider your thoughts can cover every case. Bit like telling Wales not to eat plangton, because it's canabilistic.
2006-09-20 13:24:37 UTC
Because the belief in evolution conflicts with many peoples religious point of view: people tend to be very protective of their religions teachings.
2006-09-20 17:26:09 UTC
well........when god created the earth it took 7 days to create it.......well we dont know how long a day is to god, therfore he could have created the smaller orginsims first and then created the larger ones.....but wait what about the dinosours...maybe god made them but later relized that they would have killed all the other species so they wouldnt fit in so he destroyed them.....

evolution is:

a species changing over time to adapt to its environment.

a good example of this is the galapogas islands.

the theroy of evolution is just that a theroy....

creaton is also a theroy.

it states in the bible that god created the heavens and the earth it took 7 days (1 week) and he used one day to create animals and all the creatures of the earth...

both the theroy of evolution and the theroy of cretaion are both unproven.

but to belive in either is an opinon and requires faith in both
2006-09-20 13:35:37 UTC
The same way people follow Islam. If a person prays several times a day or hears nothing else constantly, they believe it religeously.

I think that is what dogma is.

It is the same with politics, if you are bombarded with it. you won't accept any argument to the contrary.
2006-09-20 13:31:10 UTC
Faith is the ability to accept the unbelievable on the authority of the unreliable. It requires a disconnect between the relationship of cause and effect. Once this is accomplished, there is no way reason can be part of a conversation that involves faith, since faith is the antithesis of reason.
2006-09-20 13:32:33 UTC
I think people deny Evolution because you can't believe in your religion and evolution. I think people believe in religion because they need to know that when you die, you have somewhere to go.... an afterlife. If there is no God, there's no afterlife therefore, when you die, you just die. It's a comfort thing.
2006-09-20 13:24:50 UTC
Religion can be brainwashing to some people. Even the best evidence can't sway the righteous.
2006-09-20 21:07:13 UTC
Judging by your question I'm going to have to assume that you have never read any books written on the subject? very few people will believe ANYTHING without evidence.
2006-09-20 13:24:17 UTC
Personally, I use the scientific method. I have never seen an experiment demonstrating how unliving matter can become living matter, which is a cornerstone of evolution. The scientific method thus tells me this is not a fact and only an unproven theory.
2006-09-20 13:31:11 UTC
Because god created the big bang, the initial point from where the universe continues to expand.
2006-09-20 13:36:52 UTC
It is because they have been brainwashed into believing that there is a god. All organised religion should be banned.
2006-09-20 13:26:08 UTC
There are WAY too many wholes in the whole evolution theory my friend... do some real in depth research... you'll see the gaping wholes and notice some things evolution claims could NOT possibly happen.
chris j
2006-09-20 13:24:42 UTC
some people are idiots. the bible is great for teaching and for faith, but everyone should be able to understand evolution. even the Pope.
Sara B
2006-09-21 01:48:58 UTC
Quite! It's because they can't accept that there isn't life after death,so they blindly believe in their religion..daft ain't it..??
2006-09-20 18:10:01 UTC
Because, there are people who support their " truths " with their beliefs and there are people, such as us, you support their beliefs with the truth.
Red Sawx ®
2006-09-20 13:29:21 UTC
what would happen if to all the churches if people where smart enough to belive in evolution
2006-09-20 13:29:06 UTC
for the same reason they believe the earth is flat and OJ Simpson didn't do it
2006-09-20 13:56:12 UTC
according to dad/he can knock holes in any thing/the bible says
m s
2006-09-20 13:53:03 UTC
it is difficult to accept the claim that our great-great-...-grandfathe was an ape...!
apple salad
2006-09-20 13:26:14 UTC
because people have their own religions....just the same as you think mayby red is cool brown sucks...or pink is stupid black rules...
2006-09-20 13:22:41 UTC
probably peoples differet opiions
2006-09-20 13:24:09 UTC
You don't reach faith by reason
2006-09-20 13:23:48 UTC
rhetoric and brainwashing
2006-09-20 13:22:48 UTC
Things are not what they seem.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.