I must say i was successful in probing your thoughts in my earlier prompts . I will answer you briefly and precisely
people do not believe in evolution because of the scientific theory itself , the basic LAW of living things flies straight into their faces , the Law that living things can only come from living things , meaning in reverse living things cannot come from nonliving things no matter what .
many agree with the Law , it can be demonstrated easily because you cannot create bacteria from steralised glass . science is good it can be proven and has laws that can be demonstrated .Thus when prompted to explain the origins of life look how the Law changes , we are now told after the big bang and the cooling off of unstable elements ( non living ) they interacted in certain unknown conditions to form Living matter ( cells ) .How was it possible for such an interaction to defy the Laws of Science , well we are then told to shut up , how ingnorant we are and refered to read more books written by now defuct researchers and scientists.
We are then refered to new undisputable evidence on how similar our genetic coding is to a bacteria with differences in certain few bases .There are plausable evidence of similarities in animals and people appreciate the evidence but simply cannot believe the whole story.
The Mutation Theory that supersided Darwin,s theory of Natural selection hit a hitch , cooled off and was replaced by the theory of mutation . It also had its Law that states that Mutations ie deviations from the norm will always die or perish , if true how come Evolution in reowed papers promote the survival of these mutants .
Again the historical unfaithfulness of our researchers and their regulating bodies did do us a disfavour . Remember tha manipulation of data and evidence in the past and now the japan Professor of Genetics and reproductive biology and his fake cloning experiments . manipulation of the scientific method and the power of presentation that even fooled the best minds of the field ( The regulating bodies ) . They all had come to " believe in the Father of the Gene theory" the dolly creator and forgot in his own words that he also is " simply human " makes mistakes and needed a holiday . Try answer my next probing question it might enlighten your belief .
What then is Evidence my friend ?How is it different from manipulation ?